ARMY - International Encyclopedia of uniforms and insignia


Belgian Army's Military Police Group

Groep Militaire Politie (Dutch)- Groupe Police Militaire in (French)

Belgian Land Component (1944-1949)

Landkomponent (Dutch) - Composante terre (French)

Belgian Land Component (1949-1968) [cap insignia]

Landkomponent (Dutch) - Composante terre (French)

Belgian Land Component (1949-1968) [service dress insignia]

Landkomponent (Dutch) - Composante terre (French)

Belgian Land Component (1968-1994) [cap insignia]

Landkomponent (Dutch) - Composante terre (French)

Belgian Land Component (1968-1994) [field dress]

Landkomponent (Dutch) - Composante terre (French)

Belgian Land Component (1968-1994) [service dress insignia]

Landkomponent (Dutch) - Composante terre (French)

Belgian Land Component (1994-2001)

Landkomponent (Dutch) - Composante terre (French)

Belgian Land Component (2002 since)

Landkomponent (Dutch) - Composante terre (French)

Medical Component of the Belgian Armed Forces (1974-1988)

Medische Component (Dutch) - Composante Médicale (French)

Medical Component of the Belgian Armed Forces (1988 since)

Medische Component (Dutch) - Composante Médicale (French)

Medical Component of the Belgian Armed Forces (1988 since)

Medische Component (Dutch) - Composante Médicale (French)

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